Devlog 4
It's January of 2025, and now things can really get going. More progress can be made coding-wise and soon I'll have something playable. The demo is currently underway!
--- Updates ---
Now completed:
Camera 5 design and Freak's Camera 5 asset
Drafting for all of the cameras
Mechanic finalization for almost all characters.
Currently the focus is on getting the mechanics to work. After the switch to Unity I've had to learn yet another coding language and I think that's going to take me the longest out of anything for this project's demo.
Planned, decided or added:
There will be a "controls" screen that pops up before every night if something new is added, to shorten the phone call.
This will be utilized in the demo as well. The screen will only feature any new mechanic that will be utilized rather than every mechanic in the game.
TLDR - Camera drafting and mechanic finalization, also a screen that tells you the basics of what you need to remember.
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