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As you wish. Here are the designs for Camera 5 and Camera 12. Any guesses as to what their purpose is?
Guess who?
Placeholders for Character 1. Maybe later this month will bring more...
Fan art of Mechabuyte from Animator's Hell! I had a lot of fun making this one. Taking the time to shade like I used to for the first time in a while really helped the final product.
Animator's Hell is made by the lovely individuals over at @GestaltGames
Fan art of Jonlanty from Animator's Hell (by @GestaltGames )!
Another fun one, my favourite part had to be drawing the hands poking out of his chest.
The Gatekeeper - Devlog 1
Devlog 5
Merry Christmas! Say hello to Character 1: Freak!
I just thought I'd mention it here, I'm currently taking commissions!