This week's update is about the first floor's boss fight. I added some remaining animations that were not implemented in the first iteration; also added some new behaviors, including random hazards, new attacks, etc; finally a new door to move between floors (after beating the boss).
New trapdoor
This is the initial design for a door that connects two different floors. Very similar to other games, a simple trapdoor that allows players to move from one floor to the other. This door is unlocked once players beat the boss and after that can freely use it to move up and down.

Boss 01: New Animations
All the remaining animations for the first boss of the game are now complete. The following Gifs are sketch animations drawn for each missing behavior.

Full fight and in-game animations
In addition to sketching and vectorizing all the boss fight new animations, they were also implemented in-game, along with few behaviors and hazards that were incomplete. The main purpose to add these things all at once is to see how they feel when playing, test the full cycle behavior and be able to fix important issues before adding details and polishing the whole level.

As you can see, some of the animations still need some work. Two of the hazards are just placeholders; the boss animations need shadows, maybe more effects and the totem destroy animation is incomplete.

The good thing is that once the whole fight is balanced and tested, adding those missing details will not take a lot of time and can share it with people to try.

Hopefully you got enough details to understand how the boss battle will be once the game is done. There are still several issues to fix but now there is a solid base to fully test the level until it feels right and can soon prepare to share it with people.
As always, You can wishlist the game on Steam or If you wanna try out an old demo you can get it from Game Jolt, let me know if you have any questions.