Shadow Stickers are a rare variety of Stickers that corrupts existing stickers into evil forms! By collecting them, you can help to "capture" them, and save the day!
Shadow Stickers will appear for brief times, usually a little over a day or so. While the sticker is still available to catch, be sure to inform me or the @HuntersOrder of any stickers you catch!
If it can be confirmed you aided in capturing Shadow Stickers (a simple screenshot will do) you will be 'decorated' for your efforts (receive a shout out)!
Now, we face the greatest demon yet! The Shadow God! If you can help capture him, you will be even more greatly rewarded, receiving a pfp drawn by yours truly.
It won't be anything crazy ofc, but it's a bit more than a shout out. Of course, you'll still receive a shout out as well. ^.^