1 month ago


Emily has been my personal favorite character to write for throughout the story. Emily is the counterpart to another character Sky who I’ll also do a similar article for.

Emily is the result of experimentation on humans to bring people back from the dead. Emily died at the age of 16 and is now coming back with a vengeance. She makes a deal with a curtain celestial someone and now has the task of killing everyone left standing.

She is just one of many contestants you meet along the way in this holy gladiator pit. The only difference being she knows who pulls the strings. Or was there someone else I’m forgetting? Eh it’s probably nothing. More updates soon!



Next up

Here comes the boy

The NK Project could use YOUR help!

Early development


Twinning! :3

Idk I just really like this guy

Some Kirby doodles made with markers!

Throne 3#

Humanitarian deadzone

Blue 'n Beautiful Blue isn't just a sad color

Accelerating production