12 days ago

End of the line Ricky!

You can't outrun Caffeine Charged Toad!

I should really make a game page for this game soon



Next up

Why do it yourself if you can just code someone to do it for you....

Rule of Thumb Virus: Do not try and attack any of the brawl veterans, especially ones with sword training

Leave me alone Virus Waluigi

Rebooted. [READ ARTICLE]

The expendables

I spent all night making this and it was worth it!

Look, up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Virus Wario!

What do you call an aquatic virus?

A Virioplankton!

I got gamejolt creator so take some progress on the game. This is a devlog I guess

Weird thumbnail for some random game

I'm cooking like never before