Welcome To: Los Guinea Wonderland (Remaking..)

2 months ago

ENG: New project, new little things.

ESP: Nuevo proyecto, nuevas cositas.

PT BR: Novo projeto, novas pequenas coisas.

ENG: “Meet my new friend, Wuzty.”

Oh boy, it looks like little Maru has met a new friend. Who will be happy to meet you too.

Let's meet him!

ESP: “Conozcan a mi nuevo amigo, Wuzty”.

Oh vaya!, tal parece que el pequeño Maru ha conocido a un nuevo amigo. El cuál estará con gusto en conocerte a ti también.

Vamos a conocerlo!

PT BR: “Conheça meu novo amigo, Wuzty”.

Nossa, parece que a pequeno Maru encontrou um novo amigo. Que ficará feliz em conhecê-lo também.

Vamos conhecê-lo!

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Next up

ENG: Welcome insect lovers (and not so insect lovers)! ESP: ¡Bienvenidos amantes de los insectos (y los no tan amantes)! PT BR: Bem-vindo, amantes de insetos (e não tão amantes de insetos)!

ENG: Thoughts + Current status of the project. ESP: Pensamientos + Estado actual del proyecto. PT BR: Pensamentos + Status atual do projeto.

FNaF Fangames 200 fanart xdn't.

#WIPWednesday i miss doing wip wednesdays so this is what im currently working on the last scene is unfinished and i still have alot of scenes to add but i really like alot of stuff i have done so far so i might aswell show that of :D

ENG: Great things are to come.

ESP: Cosas grandes están por venir.

PT BR: Grandes coisas estão por vir.

Repainted in Gold's gamepage update is HERE!

ESP: ¡Bienvenidos de vuelta! ENG: Welcome back! PT BR: Bem-venido de volta!

ENG: Gameplay reveal + Progress.

ESP: Revelación del gameplay + Progreso.

PT BR: Revelação da jogabilidade + Progresso.

This was probably one of the more requested and wished for features I've seen from the demo but now there's an Undo and Redo option in the game!

The Tiles and Objects have their own individual undo and redo lists.

Finally, I've finished them.