5 months ago

Fierce Forces stuff and what will be made soon step by step:

Finishing WIPs, Redraw Silent's POV Meme/Short Comic,
Remake Stickers and Package's look,
Release two FNaS: FF "II!" Short Comics ~ partially.

+ The Article

#FNaSFF #FierceForces #Horror #Doodle

Making late Followers Bonus Arts (4),

Making Headers for Fangames and Community,

some small corrections,

and finally...

Moving from posting arts, into something else...

So yeah, quite lot of work. Fully going into my FNaS: FF project...
after drawing one FNaF art.
Then, there will be No drawings in the second community SFE for some time.

Also, made a doodle and hope you enjoy your stay.

(Reposting from yesterday, because when I was logging out the post was not visible. Even that was supposed to be published already... lags)

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A visibly redesign change & Brand New Character # 3 ~ (2 Pages) VJ Stellar Golden & Reverie Stellar Shadow Sonic (+ Bonus Article)

#FNaSFF #FierceForces #StellarShowoff #Horror #Fangame #Fanart #Art

Bat? Hedgehog? Batgehog?

Just shadow 🌒

I didn't have internet to be able to publish it in time :(( But here was the drawing of day 3 #bat.

A visibly redesign change # 2 ~ DJ Stellar Espio & Union Stellar Infinite

#FNaSFF #FierceForces #StellarShowoff #Horror #Fangame #Fanart #Art

Shadow's Dark Beginnings episodes were really good

A small change in the title of the fangame from: Fever ➤ ➤ ➤ to: Fervor


Because it's more suited to the attitude of the protagonist with readiness and having fun to go through an adventure (according to Dr. Golden "Prepare-Up!") and... (Article)

Chibi Abyss Crystalline King Boo ~ New Re-Clone Sticker

#FNaSFF #FierceForces #ImagineIt #Horror #Sticker #Fanart #Art

They've found new ways to get in...

Teaser + Prologue Behind the Scenes