Hello everyone!
Big news, we have a release date for the Demo! I'd wanted to post this on Halloween, but got nailed by being sick and had my whole timeline thrown out of wack.
That said, onto the update!
Yeah, I don't really know what to say here. I feel like the trailer and release date already overshadow anything I have to say.
I suppose we can talk about that then.
The demo, releasing on November 15th, will feature the first two nights fully implemented. This includes the sequences surrounding those two nights as well, with eight of the 14 animatronics being active.
Don't worry, a few of them only bite in your mind.
For people worried about the fact that there ARE some Steel Wool character models in the game, all of those will be removed with the full release as they are replaced. Currently they are placeholder assets for characters who are not going to be active on the first two nights.
Well, that's kind of it. I have a few more things to do in the meantime, but until then I'd simply like to thank my friends who have helped flesh out some of the projects details. This particularly includes Briakitten for designing the prettier UI (not shown in the trailer).
I hope this project I've been working is enjoyed. Thank you!