2 years ago

GAME OVER (Undertale Last/Bloody Breath Phase 4) & InsanityInsanity!Sans (InsanityTale: The Broken Mind) had tied about this vote. so Round 2 is gonna be interested as hell.

Poll start's in until 12:00 PM.

  1 vote Voting finished



Next up

News: I'm back for being break from Gamejolt. Missed me so much?! Since today it's Valentimes Day. So ya'll happy for it!

New Changes: That looks Exsion, but more quitely who's gonna happened after that.

Say's that I realized - Thanks to an Year Anniversary, but here's what I'm thinking. I made as a Madness Combat (or a Grunt Mode).

Base-M (Male) and Base-F (Female) in Mid-2023.

( Read the Article to see who's the Information )


Murder Sans (+Dust)

Looks like it feel's about very lucky moment. I wonder I'm working of Obsessed Monster, Divine Hatred and The Persecutor. New Sprite's are coming soon.

(Skeleton Dust Moment).

Dustysoup (Soup's Dusttale TAKE)

--= You Can't Regret =-- #Joltober

"You can't regret for doing anything else!" He's always tall or something. Why would everything do that, how think it is? (sorry if she's a women lol.) Maybe Me as EXE Form as I think.

Everyone, what do you think about the game? Was it good - but it's similliar to other one. Link to the game: https://www.roblox.com/games/12514891745.

Hopefully anyone giving me a robux.

Submission for Art Weeklies 4/5/2024. Theme chosen: Elements of Nature.

... I literally just threw this together, 'cause I panicked when I realized I hadn't made anything for the last themes. LOL Started in greyscale to paint faster.

: Clip Studio Paint