2 months ago


oh nos! Snakey crashed on the waves!

2nd pic: they're ok, they're just a little shook about it...

3 & 4 are stickers

5 is progress gif

6 - 11 are alternate stickers

8 - 11 have a little green thing next to the hat & head.

the little green part looked nice but I wasn't sure, so I made it and alternate sticker instead.

i did the art


day started: July 29 12am, day ended: August 1st 4am

i think I took about 2 hours each night at the same time each day, except the last night, i started at 1am. I took 3 hours. 1 hour to finish the drawing and 2 hours to do the stickers.

the stickers look like a shape of a fish, and the alternative stickers looks like an egg, except the last two... they look like fish too I guess...

4 days, 2 hours each for the first 3 days and 1 hour the last day. I took 7 hours on this drawing... but 2 extra hours for the stickers, so I took about 9 hours on the Game Jolt Colors adjective (is that the right word?)... I made the gif and some other stuff... and some more hours making to the post. don't remember how many...

i like to draw in the middle of the night and listen to things for some reason...

i wish I wasn't so worried about my first community post... i could've posted that post earlier and i would've started this earlier and it might've looked a little better...

i think it still looks really nice/good, but I just wished I wasn't so lazy with the background... it just looks like the background from the last Gamejolt colors, except a few differences...

here's last game jolt colors

it looks like the sun is setting in the drawing I did for this colors.

it looks like they were wearing a wig this whole time, and it's attached to the hat.

the 2 little green things on the sand are seaweed...

the sticker looks a little messy... but it makes sense since they crashed... i think there are too much stuff on it... and not a lot of pink... is that pink? hot pink?

if you notice the necklace string in the first picture of the progress gif, I turned it into the cloud when I edited the string to be broken more. reminds me of when Nintendo had the bushes and the clouds the same game sprite in the first Super Mario Bros. game so they could have more memory data for the game, but I just reused the old necklace string for something else instead.

something's happening right now, and I'm not feeling good, but I've done the game jolt colors last time, so I just felt like I had to do it this time too...

because why not, here are the references I used for the last Game Jolt colors. i don't know where the shirt reference went... i don't see it in my phone...


and here is the reference I used for this drawing too.


i also used my last Game Jolt Colors drawing as a reference for this drawing too.


















1 comment


Next up


I love Delphox, definitely underappreciated.

i did the art.


yay, it came! it finally came! Gummigoo!

why's the plushie so huge!? i didn't think it was that big!

the yootooz plushies are smaller!? they're the same price...

that key chain is big! it looks like candy... nom... it's not candy...

(i did not taste it)

this looks funny...

i made it funnier!

3rd pic: the fish kissed him.

atlas : ) commission

i'm sorry about everyone being depressed...

i hope you all feel better...

here's a fox trying to make you feel better.

i don't remember where I found this...

sorry about the recent some what depressing posts... i just had to get that out of my system...

Drawing i did of Faust and Xander <33

oh... ok...

i guess I'm watching the new transformers movie then...

3rd picture: that's a cool poster... wow...

how's his hand going through the cement?

that strong I guess...

how gloves no rip?

strong gloves...

my 2nd year being on Roblox!

here's my favorite experience!

Sonic Speed Simulator!

what a surprise...

this my favorite character, Neo Metal!

they can fly like Super Sonic and is invincible too!

they're not as fast, but they have a magnet ability!

Finished the drawing!

me when I want to do something...

"I'm gonna do it now...!"

doesn't do it...

"why am I not doing it...?"

"what's wrong with me...?"

I don't know the original source of this video, so sorry... if you know, tell me, so I can give them credit.