These Nights at Jax Justun's 2: The 2nd Part: GET JINXED WITH JUDAS JEUDA

2 days ago

Good morning all of my beloved fans from FNAF (Five Nights at Freddy's) and League of Legends!!! Today's July 2nd, 2024, and we have someone special to show off for today here!!!!!

After like months of waiting, Jax Justun Studios has finally given us the official and #80thParodyCameoCharacter of Jax Justun Studios!!!!! This is "Jinx", better known as also "Powder"!!!! She was one of the very first existing characters that I'd ever imagined to ever had an "Alien Monster-noid" companion known as "Judas Jeuda"!!!!! More on all of that later!!!! Anyways folks, sorry to cut this short, but I just wanted put this out of the way!!! And with the official #2ndSeason of Netflix's Arcane Series coming up soon in about a few months by now............

...................It would been a pleasure as in right now to show off this beloved and most craziest person of all time!!!! Anyways, hope you're all doing fantastic so far!!! Make sure to of course as always, to stay tuned for some more future updates!!! And of course, the #27thJJSvideo is already in development!!! It'll have a full total of #10ParodyCharacters and a full total of #NineParodyCameoCharacters in just one massive video!!! The Banner Poster Shrine as well included!!!! Anyways, stay tuned for some more future updates and once more, have a nice and safe summer!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #GetJinxedWithJudasJeuda!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!!!!!



Next up

1st Teaser dropped!!

Look now folks??? Okay yes, maybe sometimes I really say "Morning" and/or "Afternoon" at the very start of my GameJolt Posts sometimes!!! Anyways, that ain't important right now!!!!

Alien Monster-noid #16 - (Created on: April 10th, 2024) Hello fans of Marvel, DC Comics, FNAF, SCP, and Mortal Kombat!!! Long time and no see at long last!!! After 3 long-ish years of waiting so positively patiently...........


Check out the @JoeyDrewStudios SHOP and treat yo self to Bendy and the Ink Machine sticker pack, avatar frames and background!

Third Teaser for #TheseNatJJs10 - (Created on: July 3rd, 2024) Afternoon folks!!!! Yes!! I'll be still saying those things at every start of my posts here on GameJolt!!! Don't even try to judge me on all of that okay please?????

We just added animated, amphibious collectables by @ErbMaster to the Shop!

Plus, they're joined by our animated Horror and Malibu packs!

Pick them up in the Shop or check the article to learn more. 🔽

2022 Parody Character #57 - Mr. Sir Soupkapuss (Created on: July 1st, 2024 - July 2nd, 2024) Well folks, after many days of waiting so positively patiently, we have another Parody Character to show off for today!!!!

2022 Parody Character #43 - Andrew the Andrewsarchus (Created on: July 2nd, 2024 - July 3rd, 2024) Hello my fellow fans of FNAF, SCP, and Jurassic Park/World!!!! We're FINALLY with yet another Parody Character from Jax Justun Studios!!!!


#fnaf #fangame

The Ender Dragon Kritters of HHS Banner Shrine - (Created on: July 2nd, 2024) Hey guys, I know it's late on the other side here, but here's something kind of interesting!!!