5 months ago

Grinch - swagmix

a gift for @turbokaio3, @Milkman_, and @Salt_TheGoober in celebration of christmas!

the 4 goofballs enjoying a song together! how cute!

that guy with the hat is james, the moth lookin guy is mamstar (liam's oc) the orange bean is yours truly and the guy with the afro is goof (salt's oc)

if you dont know, this is my friend group basically lmao

i love u each very much and i hope u guys know ur very special to me :]]]]]]]



Next up

casually breaks into the doors au headquarters and does thi

New 17BUCKS GF!!!

chat what do i do im on step 2 right now

Julio! Yep! It's Julio the pigeon! Hey, don't be like that, say hello to Julio, he's still shy around here!

Low poly model of a pigeon, isn't it cute?

hey gays look at my meme,,,,,,,,

what artstyle is this called

i wanna learn it


who the fuck are you you arent funny https://diary.viralsachxd.com/864dc989f