8 months ago

hello here's another teaser for my minecraft pack

I'M SORRY IT'S BEEN TAKING SO LONG i just want to convey the materials' textures properly (which has been a struggle btw) + i'm afraid i'll get burnt out of pixelart if i rush this

i got a comment on my last post of the pack that said something like "i'd buy this" and that stuck in my head

would any of yall buy this pack, or just my art in general ?? like for real is my art good enough to the point people would buy it ? cause i've always thought of opening commissions one day but i never thought i was ready

a year and a half ago i would have thought that a commission for my artwork could cost like 2 dollars and i'm not kidding this is how badly i valued my art and it's not even because i thought my art was bad i just thought that was a decent price for art

so yea idk that's just something i wanted to lay down for possibly opening commissions in the future cause that's genuinely intriguing how someone said that to me

oh yea last thing i think once i'm done with tools i'll post a 1.0 version of the pack

um have a nice day



Next up

i started a vanilla minecraft texturepack a few weeks ago and i thought it'd be nice sharing it here :0

most normal people start a texturepack with tools and armor i'm over here doing every single crop

me when i draw the same musician two consecutive times (it's all fun and games until you hyperfixate on a real person)

really proud of this drawing actually

it started as a joke where my friend said he wanted a specific level of badass energy and showed me references so i started sketching and now i finished it

Happy 12th Anniversary, Minecraft!

The game's first full release was Nov. 18, 2011.

We're celebrating this landmark anniversary by giving out copies of Minecraft: The Official Pop-Up from our friends at @InsightEditions !

Read the article for more info!

not much to say here i missed just drawing my friend's ocs

did this in like an hour, which is crazy fast in the mufinn scale for comparison i usually take 4 hours on a drawing

Did you know cupcakes can be square? I made lots of minecraft toppers that, while simple, I think came out good!

thought a lot about posting my music content on here but like literally why not might as well

i bet there's like at most 3 people on this entire platform that know who ricky jamaraz is, anyway i'm addicted to his music so i'm remaking some songs in 8bit

DRAWING no caption i'm lazy

Minecraft's 15th anniversary is this Friday! 🤯

Quests celebrating the iconic game will pop into your quest log on Friday, so get ready to celebrate!

thanks sm for 420 followers what where did so many of you come from

that's like 35 followers from a single post that's mad

thanks a lot for the feedback on the texturepack :DD i'll try to release a 1.0 version sometime in september (vague cause school)