2 months ago


here is a sneak peek for the jeffrey’s event starting tomorrow!! 🎉🎉🎉

the anniversary of jeffrey’s is coming up real soon, so i thought, what better way to properly celebrate it than a really unique event in-game for the occasion

the event includes:

  • A new mode with a points-based system which you can then use

  • A shop to buy little rewards which makes it all the more worth it 🔥🔥🔥

  • an extra new mode which takes inspiration from a previous Jeffrey’s DLC mode, adding features from that into one packed night to try and complete! 🎉🎉

  • really fun and challenging gameplay which slowly gets more difficult and is all around extremely replayable 🔁

  • and it’s just a little something extra to celebrate this insane milestone already!! 🎉🎉

this limited time event runs from January 1st to January 12th, so if you have a copy of dreams on your Playstation, be sure to give it a try!

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Next up

Today marks the 1 year anniversary of jeffrey's!

so, to go along with the event going on in the game right now on dreams, I thought i'd give you guys a vague idea of what you can come to expect for jeffrey's 2: Adapted for video! (read article)

thank you everyone so much for 100 followers!!

i promise to try and make the content i provide worthwhile and only post when i have big updates, to not waste your time, i have been doing that already.

if you like what i do, consider following me!

jeffrey’s 2 has been in development for one year from today!!

to anyone only just discovering me and this game, i’m glad to have you here, i hope some of y’all actually got dreams on PS4/PS5

have this new teaser image for now!!



The pareclipse is out now!!

[read article]

Rat Race Production Update

✨ my lighting has gotten so much better since the release of jeffrey’s

i just added in the jeffrey’s 2 effects and made some adjustments and it looks so much better.

if you wanna follow the game, follow Jeffrey’s 2 instead!! not this one!!

I’m finally able to present to you, my new game, The Pareclipse! 🔥🔥

First image/thumbnail by @Autumn_Satire


Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!

just made my first proper attempt of a render in a good while.

what do you guys think of this??