the anniversary of jeffrey’s is coming up real soon, so i thought, what better way to properly celebrate it than a really unique event in-game for the occasion
the event includes:
A new mode with a points-based system which you can then use
A shop to buy little rewards which makes it all the more worth it 🔥🔥🔥
an extra new mode which takes inspiration from a previous Jeffrey’s DLC mode, adding features from that into one packed night to try and complete! 🎉🎉
really fun and challenging gameplay which slowly gets more difficult and is all around extremely replayable 🔁
and it’s just a little something extra to celebrate this insane milestone already!! 🎉🎉
this limited time event runs from January 1st to January 12th, so if you have a copy of dreams on your Playstation, be sure to give it a try!
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