There an infinite ocean surrounding the floating continent, infinite down, and infinite out.
Heaven and the Abyss are real physical places, but it's not feasible for anyone to ever go there. The Heavens are where the gods reside, and the Abyss is a network of underwater caves and chasms inhabited by strange creatures away from the life giving sun.
The sun, of course, orbits the world, going down below the abyss and everything else, and up around over-top heaven in its cycle.
Culturally it is often understood that Mercury, who is also the creator of humanity, guides the sun. This is debated by the followers of some other gods however, Saturn claiming to her followers that the sun is even beyond the gods themselves.
This is seen as heretical by many other religions, however. Still, the Saturnarian monks are highly respected for their wisdom, even if a little shunned in some circles.