(WIP) Things That Lurk in the Dark
3 years ago

Here's our Phase 1 update for TTLITD!

Phase 1 is completed. We have it listed under "Phase 1" due to the fact that it's completed with minor revamps coming in the new future when we decide to come back to work. Without any more text, let's explain what Phase 1 contains.

Battery System- A basic coding system that allows the player to collect, reload, and use batteries in the flashlight. Currently for testing purposes the batteries don't last very long, but depending on how the game turns out we may decrease or increase battery life later.

Main Menu- We reworked the main menu from the ground up. There's no longer just a black screen with 2 buttons and the game title. You're now able to go into settings which was inaccessible before, and has a good background scene.

Basic Additions- We added the assists we believed would work for the game. Not much for you guys, mostly just dev stuff.

Pause Menu- This is one of the items we plan to update later on, as we believe it to be too basic in it's current form. However, it works as it should and allowed to pause the game at any time.

Story- For spoilers sake, we won't explain the story, but we did finish the story over a year ago and still plan to use it. We believe it's a good story, and know you guys will enjoy it for not being a story based game.

Footsteps- Yes this is an actual accomplishment. In the last post we explained that there were some major glitches that were thought to be unsolvable. This was one of them. It took 3 days of work to fix this glitch, and now we have working footsteps that is easily modular.

Sewer Map- This is another items that'll be updated later, however it won't be reworked unlike the pause menu. Once items are developed into the game, we have to place one into the Sewer along with other item decor and extra batteries and tutorial stuff. Otherwise it's complete.

That concludes Phase 1. Phase 2 is somewhat half way done. we need to rewrite code into our own style, develop universal items, and create a new system, so this update may take some time once we begin development again, but we'll let you know when we're back in the swing of things. Enjoy this information and stay tuned!



Next up

Contacting our internet provider today, but we're still working! We are working on character, story, and map design even without the capability of UE4. We are using Minecraft since it has a nearly perfect unit conversion rate. Stay tuned for more updates!

Alpha Update #003

Below is the full article!

*If you are having trouble with the tunnel in the Alpha Demo, be sure to read!*

Devlog 7 - Models and Level Building

How do you guys like the level/scene design so far?

#rpg #dungeoncrawl #dungeoncrawler #action #adventure

*Note that these pictures are not the final product and currently in heavy development. Changes may occur.* Read the article below to hear what we have worked on, what's to come, more! -Aaron

Devlog 4.5

Here's a couple of models we've produced over the week! What are your thoughts?

#rpg #adventure #action #dungeoncrawler #fantasy

The factory building has gotten an update!

Devlog 8 - AI Advancement and Map Progression

#rpg #dungeoncrawl #dungeoncrawler #action #adventure

Been working lately on lots of 'behind-the-scenes' boring stuff that no one really cares about, so here’s a guy playing the sax for some reason.
