3 days ago

Here's that big LBGT piece I was working on YIPPEEEEEEEE

Characters in order of appearance: Wren, Hunter, Me, Addicus, and Karma

Don't worry, Hunter has pride, he just doesn't like associating with anyone who isn't Wren.



Next up

Black and white bear that does martial arts


Dorian Pavus is a powerful mage who appears in Dragon Age: Inquisition. The character was initially conceived as a "rock star mage" and in 2014, GLAAD named Dorian as one of "2014's Most Intriguing LGBT Characters."

Kibbies â™Ĩïļ

New pfp

Look at all the Alastors

I downloaded duolingo and am currently learning 🇊ðŸ‡ļ and ðŸ‡ŊðŸ‡ĩ

Be Yourself and Have Fun <3 Im late with the pride artwork bc i found a new job, im sowwy :<

Non gays