2 months ago

hey decided to share the comic cover for a comic series i'm hoping to make later down the line.



Next up

i think i over did it in the art department.

hey hey i just found one of the old taofnaf teasers before we're the animatronic's came out, this was made in 2018, at least something was found

hey i got a new screenshot from taofnaf when i was developing it and before i actually animated it. this is from 2017 or 2018.

This drawing took me FOREVER! lol I thought it would be cool to draw a group picture. By the way, if you don't see your character then it's not there. I did not drew every single character lol.

hey, i made a fanmade logo concept for what would be a portal 3 since it's been on my mind recently, what do you think


original image

: Aseprite

hey hey episode 5 is almost done

so this popped up in my recommended feed. don't ask why i don't know

Whispy Woods

hey, dunno if i'll release this, but i decided to show off the model for Bonnie abit if i update welcome to Bonnie's 1.