3 years ago

Hey there! I thought of maaking something completely new, a 2D RPG Game! It will be a long way and definetely hard but I will try my best and it will be a whole new experience! I've also tested my art skills (still bad but at least better than before):

Of course, I will rework the player sprite but it's at least much better than my art from before!

Also, I'm still not quite sure if I can make such a game but I will try my best! :D

Ah btw I drew this in GIMP

EDIT: I reworked the picture and now I've uploaded a newer version as a second picture.



Next up

Wow, 100 Followers already? Thank you guys so much for your support! :D

Wow guys, alrady 2 years have passed?! That's incredible! Anyway, thanks to all of you for your support :D #spawnday

Hey guys, it has been a long time!

I've been working on a new 2D mobile endless runner game, Robo Run, a bit now. Here's a small preview of the current prototype, hope you like it!

Also, sorry for the lagging, somehow my recording program stutters.

Rando Art Challenge! Transform this into a masterpiece of the Renaissance era. Use the tag #renaissance to show off your creation! (Tag an artist in the comments to let them know)

Hey guys, just wanted to tell you that Squizzle Early Access is now available on the Play Store!

It contains only 2 demo levels so it's kinda small but I'm actively working on more levels and also have plans to work on other worlds to!

Have a great day :D

Announcing the Lost In Isolation FNaF Game Jam

The GameJam Starts Friday (submit games below)


Join The Discord For Updates


Hosted by @PlentyXD

Help from @hunterallen_ and me

Art by @Funkilicous and Yellw.00f

Hey, my new game is now public! It's a small 2D Pixel RPG game about a knight I've been working on with a friend now for a bit. There are still many improvements I need to make, content to add etc. Would be nice if you would check it out! :D

Hey, remember when I said that I'm starting to work on an rpg-game? Now my friend joined me to help with some sprites and this is how it currently looks (still need to add animation to knight):


discord: https://discord.gg/VjhMZt355t

heres a short tutorial that i made to help you guys animate rain! Its suuupper simple :D

Heyo! It's actually been 3 years already? Time has passed so fast...

I wanted to use this opportunity to thank everyone that has gamed my games, passed on my posts and followed me along (damn my rhymes are awful) :D

Onto another great year! #spawnday