Your Own Reality
3 years ago

I have a big announcement. I'm going to release private Early Access soon and I'm really excited about it. You can watch trailer here:


1 comment


Next up

Hi everyone, Today I'm posting new room which I have been doing on stream. It's not 100% completed yet but it's pretty good for me. I showed up one key on my screen but no one claimed it :( If you want to get your key - read [article]. Have a good day!

Hi, I'm posing some screenshots after polishing map. What do you think about it?

Hi, I've just finished making first short map. I added some post process and now it looks pretty good. All [WIP] things are in the previous post.


Bros smooth with it

Hello everyone, Today I'm focusing on bugs. I would like to fix them all today. If everything will be done, I will publish chapter 1. Release date is about 13.07 - 15.07. I need time to finish everything.

---Another update info in article below---


Hey, I made third room for my game. Here you'll have to find a key and video which will be played on the TV in the corner. No more spoilers! Watch streams on twitch to get private testing keys. See you soon and of course... Have a great day!

This time Sad News...

I wanted to upload alpha version of the game but I got an error (image). Im going out of office for 2-3 days. If you have any idea how I can upload my game and where, tell me in the comments or in private message. Thanks


Saving the Lost Ones, a cage at a time 👻

Happy New Year everyone!