Undercover Break

3 years ago

How to play it

Do you have some nostalgia about Vhs records, retro computers like MSX-2?

Or do you think about action movie heroes of 80s?
This feel, which you need to be a policeman,
because of your action favorite movie from 80s still in your heart?

You are ok!
This is great! Of course, you want a good mustang car.
And some computers system inside your car, like KITT from Knight Rider.
Great! Great! What`s next? How about a gun?
A real big gun! With auto aim – nice choice!
You have a good taste!


Now, you can be a policeman. And feel yourself as action movie hero.
So your dream is to be a real man with a gun and a fast car.
And this is not a question. This is a decision. You are not stupid.
You can deal with a computer, that’s installed into your car.
So you are modern retro day’s policeman. Turn on some synth music from 80s.
Lets synth! Or lets rock! This works for everybody!


Let’s see what we have here. Let’s be serious. And start with options.
First, you can play it in a window with resolution 800x600 or full screen.


You can turn on and off music and sounds. You can change volume for music and sounds.


And you can choose one of two languages. Game has Russian and English languages.


Also, you can set some scanlines. It is like interlaced screen effect.
It is done most simple way here. It is just new layer with lines over the screen.
But it works!
You can adjust them.


To select the direction of lines from two types: vertical or horizontal lines.
To choose intensity of lines. I recommend set intensity at the beginning of range.
More scanlines – more dark screen and less details. Especially for text.
Of course, you can turn on and off scanlines. It is only retro feature for this game.
Just let you know about all this points!


And now we can play it! Game itself is easy arcade. It is racing videogame.
You have a police car and can do some shooting and few more options.
Every level you will receive a police instructions on a special screen.


So you need to do several things on every level.
1) To move through certain amount of checkpoints. Or more.
2) To destroy certain amount of bandits cars. Or more.
3) To destroy certain amount of outrunners cars. Or more.


So don’t forget that each level has certain amounts of checkpoints.
Moving through checkpoints you receive time. This is a racing game at last.
And after last checkpoints road continues, but no more checkpoints,
this means no more additional time.
So before last checkpoint you need to destroy bandits and outrunners.


You can destroy more than required amount of bandits and outrunners.
Of course this is no problem.


So you see different cars on the road. Do not hit with civilian cars.
You will have score penalty for this action.
And you can easy to hit and shoot bandits and outrunners.

This is how look some civilian cars


And this is bandits cars


And this is outrunner example.


So this is some examples.


To shoot press A. And it is appears shooting range rectangle.
It is auto aim for nearest car. Take care! Shoot for bandits and outrunners only.
Press A again to shoot! Just feel this sound. Good shot!


To speed up more, than standard limit. Press S. Lets speak about speed limits now.
Typical your limit speed is 200. But you can speed up to 280 using turbine force.
Turbocharged car! Don’t forget about this point.
So turbine start works only at minimum speed 160. So when you are above 160.
You can press S to start turbine. And it needs some time to prepare.
And a little late it starts to speed up.
Use turbine to chase the outrunners and to move through checkpoints.


For speed you have also some scores up. Bigger speed means bigger scores!

Also you can see some indications. Press Z to see nearest outrunner indicator.
You can check how far it is. So ourunner don’t appear immediately.
You race, to go through checkpoints.
And one moment you will get radio message that outrunner detected.
Press Z and see how far it is.


And outrunner can runaway from you, if you will be too slow.
So in this case you will need to wait for new outrunner to appear.
And pressing Z you can see the distance between you and outrunner.
It is existed some distance. So you can use turbine to make distance less.


Ok. How to play it? In a simple way.

Race the road. Go through checkpoints. Keep in mind that checkpoints are not infinity.
When you see bandits – destroy them.
When you see radio message about outrunner to appear,
press Z check the distance, use turbine with S button to chase it.
And destroy it. So press esc for pause menu and see some details.


In pause menu you can see what it is required to be done to get level completed!
And your current state. How many checkpoints passed, how many bandits destroyed and etc.
Check the data by pressing ESC.


So it is simple arcade racing game. With a retro feel. And style.
So don’t expect modern things. But expect some retro tension.
After you race enough, just go and turn on some Vhs action movie from 80s.
Well done!

Use turbocharge!



Next up

Project M30 – observations about dark metal

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Final cinematic

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Undercover state

Undercover Break – it is retro racing videogame with shooting. Game is designed under big impression from 80s. It is computers, movies and music.

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