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New custom hair and face textures for spectre.
West Yantai Loading Dock for Spectre. More info in article attached to this post. Visit project here:
Alpha Version of the Apothecary Levels. Some jank is to be expected.
Dialog System : 0:14
Gathering Hidden Items: 02:26
Nightclub: 05:44
Minor Fire Fight: 06:44
Entering the church: 11:56
Exclusion Zone : 14:00
Update for spectre. Work being done on optimisation. Also featuring overhauled screenshots and video of the first level.
Alpha tests, slow but steady progress ... still here! :)
Feel free to read whats new.
Spectre: Harbor Area and various other work in progress related things discussed in this article.
After some technical issues I got helped with by helpful members of the community, here are some impressions of the industrial area for Spectre. Some inverted text will get fixed later on.
First scene I did when I learned the interface a few years back. Might still integrate it into an active project :)
Yes, ladies and gentlemen its that most delightful place you all wish you could visit. The sewers! Wether you fancy a romantic picnic or a relaxing evening walk, the delightful scenery of the sewers has got you covered.