15 days ago


does any one has the link that the chiptune like glitch effect that was used. I heard it without the slowed 911 call in a video so I think it might be a stock sfx but Idk.

Five Nights At Treasure Island music menu



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Small FYI Classic night is going to be the same length of a night in Malrat's NBD v1 (10 Minutes and 10 Seconds long). But unlike NBD v1 stuff actually happens in this night. (Also yeah screenshots of classic night.

Minus the jumpscares the first 4 characters in classic night are done

Got board and made this in getpaint.net

Hypnagogia Sticker Pack

here is a video of me playing the unfinished classic night.

(and dying like a dumbass)

Did a retake of the 8 bit zombie in pvz 2. I main thing I noticed about 8 bit sprites is that they tend to use 3 colors. I used that to make the basic zombie sprite. Continue in article:


I have mastered Winning Andrew Nocturnum Killer!

I can now react with a Winning Andrew Nocturnum Killer on every Radiance Post in Existence!

I will use Winning Andrew Nocturnum Killer everwhere I can!

Such Fun!

Here is a FNATI iceberg I made. Sorry if some entries are misplaced/should be on different layers and if the font/text is hard to read. Feedback is welcome. (Also if you have no idea of what an entry is about, ask me.)