3 months ago

I decided to shake off my rusty 1-bit isometric pixel art skills with a recreation of a room from Link’s Awakening.

This was a lot of fun and I also challenged myself to keep the dithering/noise down for a cleaner look.



Next up

Thank you all so much for helping me achieve this milestone!

I’m pleased that you like my pixel art and I hope you’ll continue the journey with me going forwards.

As a conclusion to March of Robots 2024, I collected all the pieces I made into a single page. I couldn’t include story pieces, I’m afraid, but at least everything else is in one place.

I’ve completed my latest 1-bit survival horror piece and given it more of a game-style HUD for some added effect. 🙂

This is a project I started back in 10/2023 and, while it took far longer than I intended, I’m really pleased with how it turned out. ☺️

Thank you for 14k followers!

: Krita

The third of four (?) entries I’m making for @/Polyduck’s 2024 Nokia Collab, I decided to go for a rogue-like for this one.

Behind the scenes, I did make everything out of 8x8 pixel tiles to give some extra cohesion to the style.

(Swipe to the right to see the original image!)

: Aseprite

The second of four entries I’m making for @/Polyduck’s 2024 Nokia Collab, this iso survival horror game was almost inevitable.

I was surprised that isometric would work so well on a 96x65 pixel canvas, but pleased at the same time.

IG’s March of Robots, Day 29: Bottle

Bottled samples were sent to labs staffed with robots to find the cause of the ecological collapse.

A virus altering chloroplasts to produce trace amounts of toxic gas was discovered. A solution though…

Julio! Yep! It's Julio the pigeon! Hey, don't be like that, say hello to Julio, he's still shy around here!

Low poly model of a pigeon, isn't it cute?

IG’s March of Robots 2024, Day 31: Boat.

With their world doomed, the population created a fleet of living robotic lifeboats to seek out a new world among the stars.

The robots left on the planet were asked to care for it as their own.