The following is what has been updated
The health of players and enemies have been drastically cut to make the game more intense
The system for calculating damage has been completely changed to better suit this. Instead of multiplying the attack and then dividing by the defence, they are added and subtracted from the roll.
Healing items are weaker to match the decrease in player health as well as to give more challenge.
Skills are now successful if the roll lands on the number or above
Each class in the game has one of 4 certain skill types
True Damage skills deal a specified amount of damage when successful, ignoring enemy defense
Halving Health skills deals half an enemy's current health in damage, very useful at the beginning of battle
Health Steal skill heals the player the amount of damage dealt to the enemy when successful
Healing skill heals the player a major amount of health when successful
More information is shown about the player class at the beginning to explain more of their skill
Some bug fixing
Slight UI changes and some timing changes
There are probably still some bugs and aspects of it that needs more tuning. Any feedback on it is greatly appreciated.