29 days ago

I had this drawing in my gallery and I'm going to upload it here :D



Next up

Guys...I have to let you know that I will be leaving Game Jolt for a long period of time, I will be going to Twitter/X I will miss you, since you were a reason to post and others to go...Don't forget to contact me on discord sweets :'3

:v XD Actually this is the representation of Y/N

elegant meyita

The Witching Well

(Happy Halloween!)

I had no ideas of what to draw and well, a friend mentioned me in a post https://gamejolt.com/p/fanart-for-atmyr4oficial-i-hope-you-like-…: by: @Beta-17 There they like and follow xd (if they want). Well, What I'm going for, I made myself in the anime art style of panty and stocking

How was it?

Julio! Yep! It's Julio the pigeon! Hey, don't be like that, say hello to Julio, he's still shy around here!

Low poly model of a pigeon, isn't it cute?

Things I want in my mouth:


Creating animation xD

Knowing that not many know me for who I am and they block me or stop talking to me after I helped them with many things and did everything for those people...

i'll draw something else eventually, guys...

How easy