Please Let me explain myself for my absence.

So, I'm back at college. I don't remember saying if I did or didn't at the start of autumn. I've been trying to juggle, IRL life, my social medias and my private life all at the same time. My projects are still a WIP. College is like a whole new year for me this year. I'm back at it with a new mindset. Knowing what I am doing from last year.

I'm aware HW2 is out. Sadly I have to wait to play it. But once I have played it, I will share my thoughts. Because I do not have a VR headset.


Gaming updates

Guess what?? Whilst I was gone, I beat security breach! I loved every second of it. From the characters and gameplay down to the environment and bugs. It's very enjoyable. Could've never asked for a better game. I haven't played RUIN because it's not out on switch next. My next goal? Get all disks whilst waiting to play HW2 and RUIN.

As for fangames. Well, the NOT-OFFICAL version of FNaF Plus made by lostpawplay is being played by your friendly glitch over here! Go watch both parts on YT:




Rightys rebuilt is looking for team members to program, design and test! Sign up through this form to become a VA, Perhaps a programmer?? maybe a potential animator? Tell me how you would like to help and what you'd like to do by filling this form in (WARNING THAT THIS FORM SHOULD BE FILLED IN BEFORE JAN 10TH. THANK YOU).

(Please click the image for link):


FNaF: GL1TCHVERSE FANGAMES has new updates!

To start off with. @code33 has a prototype of "week at freddys" up on the game page! And we have a new teaser for the game here-


Five Nights at Drakeys being made by @crimsonmoonlight13 has some character development updates see them here:




As well, Five Nights at Drakeys is currently looking for help on several different departments. To find out more, friend request @crimsonmoonlight13 or send me a friend quest if my friend requests are open.

@FCNAF-Official Developing Grizzlys diner has stated on the Grizzlys diner gamepage that the game page will be updated soon.

See updates here: https://gamejolt.com/games/grizzlysdiner/851232


for 2024

I have plans for 2024. I'm planning on making a come back properly in late-march-ish time. I love this account, I like what I do here. And I'd hate to quit. I also want to start showing more blender art projects and I wanna make test animations. I also plan on properly working on rightys rebuilt and want to release it. Maybe even possibly just make a team account for Rightys.

Please forgive my absence. I've been really busy.

Thank you and I hope to make my come back very soon!



Next up

Hey Burrow!!

My new reaction Video is out now!, today I reacted to "Power Outage". Around 3 minutes long!!


INTO THE PIT: Parts 1 and 2

Are currently UP! On my YouTube channel, Go give part 2 a watch. Recomend watching the first part first.

Link: https://youtu.be/raLiIuN_wW0?si=N21sEf2JwOk74g2I

"Lights against the robotic stars"

(Not confirmed) - 25/12/24

My GL1TCHES Blender Project Updates page is now up!

Please read the article for more information.

This mornings video 👀😃

Thank you all for your happy spawnday wishes to me. I apreciate your support!

Here's to the start of the third year of GameJolting! (Present for ya all is on the way)

Hey Hey!, Here's some progress on what my next creation will be. Be on the look out for me dropping the final thing here and on Deviant Art

Model Credit: VibaPop


Who said I was limited? 🤟