And oh, expect to see a long post, so sit back and get comfy XDD.
Also, have in mind some of these are based on some ideas I had previously suggested some years ago plus some others by various users which will be obviously credited!
I hope GJ staff could take them into consideration as these can improve everyone's experience within Gamejolt, plus there was obviously a lot of effort put into these by several people (including me) who want a better experience in general.
Here's the order of all the categories I'll talk about:
Suggestions for gamepages.
Suggestions for posts/devlogs.
Suggestions for GJ creators.
Suggestions for profile and chats.
Let's go:
Redirect URL:
Pretty self-explanatory, but in short, it can redirect your game page URL to another one.
It can be pretty useful just in case you've transitioned development to another page and you want to divert the whole attention the old gamepage has (due to any video/post that included it) to the new one.
Won't work if you remove the gamepage tho.
Privatize Game:
This feature can be useful in case you don't want your gamepage to be discovered/leaked by being just unlisted. Conceived as a middle way between unlist or remove game page, gained more importance right after this incident. So having this feature would prevent future incidents like this.
Won't work if you have "Redirect URL" enabled tho.
Transfer Game:
It kinda works like the "add collaborators" feature, except that this will allow you to transfer your gamepage to another account, as to save time when having to create another one with the same contents.
If the destination account accepts your request, they will become the owners of that game page from now on (unless they give it back to you).
These 3 above can also be used for community settings.
Recommend other games by the same developer + gamepages with proportional followers count and being genre and franchise-related (in case of fangames): About the first one, I'm surprised this wasn't added yet, would be a pretty cool addition aside of just showing them when downloading any game.
As for the second one, this could benefit other games that share any of these things to have a deserved support, pretty good games with few support ofc.
This came to my mind right after noticing that several of these lists were full of gamepages with +5k followers and no relation whatsoever with the current gamepage.
Like, visiting a small FNaF fangame then you come across with a +10k followers rpg game or something like that.
There are actually few pages that I've visited and have lists with proportional followers count and being genre/franchise-related, why not do that for the rest?
Achievement categories (Initially suggested by @thatdoggocalledray
): This was mentioned in one of the comments from this very post and couldn't help but include too.
Ray explained this would work like the Playstation achievements. Tbh this would be pretty useful for specific game modes and even for entire gamepages containing different games (By the hour being a perfect example).
The next 2 suggestions are directly taken from Kane's post:
Followers count on thumbnails: Ig there's no need to explain this but yeah, it can be pretty useful just to see a preview of these. Kinda surprising this ain't a thing yet (but I really hope they can add this!). Also, aside of just re-suggesting this idea, wanted to make a small animated mock-up of what it could look like, making a more simplified display compared to what he showed.
Ratings and reviews: A triumphant return of the old rating system... with some tweaks!.
This system would replace the likes system for gamepages with early access/complete statuses. Likes and dislikes previously given would be turned into 5/5 and 1/5 ratings, respectively. (Idk, this idea was trying to integrate both systems, you guys can try to find a proper way if this wasn't convincing enough).
Aside of just giving a rating, people can also write their thoughts on the game, especially if ratings are below 3.
People can also choose whether they want to remain anonymous or not.
There can also be a quality control to avoid review bombings or something like that. Basically, unjustified hateful reviews/ratings will be automatically deleted in order to promote a healthy feedback culture (this won't happen with dislikes turned into ratings tho).
#TBT Only OGs will remember.
Choosing a gamepage to publish a post from your profile: There's currently a "post to profile" option but this only works when you're making a post on a gamepage. This could be its opposite.
This can be pretty useful for people who almost forget they didn't make that post on their gamepages, but in their profiles. It can also be pretty helpful to save time when making shoutout-related posts or something like that (Idk how to explain it better Dx).
Would work like the "add realms" section, except that there will be no limit regarding a maximum number of gamepages to add other than the ones you currently have (unless you have +10, meaning that 10 would be that limit).
Option to enable/disable notifications when a poll closes: There are people that don't like getting notifications like "Poll's closed, results are in!", this suggestion aims to solve that:
You can keep it enabled if there's any poll you want to be notified about
An option to follow tag: Would work like following a realm, most relevant posts with that tag will display in the "for you" tab along with other random posts.
Display list of trending/popular tags: Sorta like what happens on Twitter, when you input a tag, it will display a list of tags that match the one you're typing, thus making it easier for you to add the most popular tags.
"Un-publish" option: So let's say you make a post that you put a lot of effort into, you publish it, then realize that... OH NO!, YOU FORGOT TO ADD COMMUNITIES/REALMS/GAMEPAGES (Just in case GJ adds this feature). You have no other choice than deleting the entire post and start over.
Who hasn't been through this before? Who doesn't hate it when this happens? Well, this suggestion aims to save all that suffering.
Self-explanatory but, by selecting this, post will un-publish, then you can edit it as much as you want. Each un-published post would be in the drafts tab.
It can also work if you accidentally hit the "publish" button instead of the "save draft" one (true story
Allow OPs to post comments on their posts before being published again: This could be done until a few years ago, and tbh it should come back, this would be pretty useful for OPs in case they want to share any important info without needing to publishing that post first.
Improved image viewer: When viewing any image, we only have 3 options: download, close and next (in case there are 2 onwards). Despite sometimes we can use the download button to view original image, well, sometimes you manage to view original image, while the rest it gets downloaded. It's kinda annoying especially for those who just want to see that image in high quality. There's no way to zoom in or out either.
This suggestion aims to fix that:
This way, by having a "view original" option, download button gets rid of that "alternative" feature that rarely works.
Being able to both adding spoilers to images/videos on summaries: Self-explanatory but yeah, would be pretty cool if we could actually do this.
Also, you guys can probably add a caption like this when not hovering a spoiler (just as on discord):
Also, the way we could mark these images as spoiler can be in the same way how it works on discord!
Being able to crop images for the summaries: This could be another good addition along with the above.
Additional features for the rich text editor: We could underline our text, changing horizontal alignment, modifying line-spacing and directly applying spoilers to a specific part of our text.
As for the summaries, we can probably be able to use heading levels, underline, code and hyperlinks.
Rich image editor for articles (Initially suggested by @ddemkoo
in this post): Surprising how this ain't a thing either yet, but tbh it could be pretty helpful, especially since default image embedding can be awful sometimes.
Again, here's a small mock-up I made that improves this idea a bit, by adding some features that were missing:
Just like what he suggested before, by clicking the image, you'll bring up that small menu containing options to change horizontal alignment and flip/rotate image.
Inline images option has been moved to a small window that will open by clicking on the pencil icon.
And talking about pencil icon, yeah, its function would no longer be just for adding hyperlinks, but would display that aforementioned window which includes 3 other options aside of the enabling/disabling inline images one.
Finally, on the other side of the pencil and delete buttons, you'll find the undo/redo buttons.
Unlimited characters to write in post summaries: Pretty self-explanatory but yeah, would be cool if us, as GJ creators could have this characters limit completely gone, as it could give the whole creator thing a little more "premium" value, and would help people who are used to write long texts (like me XDD).
Allow creators to post in more than 5 communities/realms: Again, self-explanatory and could give it a little more "premium" value.
Allow creators to edit their own communities URL: Just in case it has either outdated or cringey stuff they want to change XD.
Allow creators to make their own theme presets: Funny enough, didn't remember that ddemkoo also suggested something like that, except that what I'm suggesting would be exclusive for GJ creators ofc (as I said before, this could also give it a little more "premium" value).
But yeah, creators would be able to create their own theme presets based on their favorite colors, for example mine would be burgundy and gold.
All this could be done in a separate tab.
Not only that but creators could also create their own theme presets for their games!
Allow creators to switch from different sticker packs they have to be used as the reward/standard one: Would save time when having to edit the sticker pack design and changing the sticker contents. Pretty useful if they want to switch them to any holiday themed one.
Creators with level 3 or higher can also exchange their coins for gems: Minimum limit will be 10k coins, 1k coins will grant 50 gems. It could work as a small boost.
GJ creators program itself is a pretty cool idea, make users get paid for their work truly motivates them even more to grow and improve themselves and their work.
Unfortunately, this system, like everything in life, has its flaws, being unequality one of them, and the next 3 suggestions aim to solve that:
Grant more revenue to non-US/first world countries creators: Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to tip the balance, considering all creators earn the same, but several creators (including me) are from underdeveloped or developing countries (mostly from Latin America).
This way, GJ creator is considered by them as a small help to receive additional income that helps them deal with their daily lives much easier.
However, sometimes these revenues ain't enough especially for users who live in underdeveloped/isolated countries.
My suggestion is to grant more revenue based on percentages depending on where they live. Thus, those living in underdeveloped/isolated countries (such as Venezuela, Nicaragua or Cuba) would receive 25-30% more, those living in developing countries (such as Colombia, Mexico or Argentina) would receive 10-15% more, while those living in first world countries (such as the US or EU countries) receive no additional percentage. All this to promote equity.
You could determine which country each user belongs to from their specific creator application and/or IP address (if possible).
Give a bonus revenue based on interactions: Creator revenues are currently given via charged stickers only, as explained in the FAQ, I know, but many GJ creators (like me) get more interactions (likes/views/comments) than charged stickers yet it doesn't seem to contribute anything. So why not giving a bonus revenue based on these too? This could be pretty helpful for small creators that merely get 1-2 stickers per post, thus slowing down reaching that minimum milestone (2000 gems).
Improve quality control regarding approving applications from people who want to be GJ creators: Let's make it clear, EVERYONE CAN be a creator, but few can be great ones. That being said, Ig it's very important to mention how oversaturated the creator market has been. It went from being a status symbol to something that around 40-50% GJ users have.
And as you can guess, this affects all of us. When there's oversaturation, it's really hard to grow and position oneself, what's worse, there are shameless people who take advantage of their position and dedicate themselves to farm views, attention and charged stickers, which mostly should be distributed between those who deserve it.
We're talking, of course, about those who make junk/low-quality content but are famous for some reason and they come from other social networks.
And no, I'm not throwing a tantrum and I hope nobody thinks so. Instead, it's a small awareness I want to raise, considering there are several people out there who are/want to be GJ creators and have a lot of potential and talent, but they're being affected by how everything is going currently, even causing them to feel demotivated (and I'm one of them sadly, that kinda explains why I'm not posting much often).
GJ creator thing still has time to return to what it was before, and I hope there's cooperation from all of us.
As I said before, my suggestion is to improve the quality control for each application, in order to have a clearer vision of who can become creators.
First would be to remove the "become a creator" section from Gamejolt website header, then moving it to a section in the dashboard that will be enabled once someone gets 1k followers, ensuring that they at least work a little harder to reach that.
Creator application form would remain almost the same, except that instead of asking if they have +3k followers on other social networks, you only ask for the +1k followers from the GJ profile, plus asking for 5 of their posts that they consider their best works.
Once they get accepted, they will be given a trial period of 1-2 weeks to prove they really deserve it, based on aspects such as quality on posts, how much attention they get (regarding views and charged stickers) and how often they post. If they manage to suceed, then they will keep that badge, otherwise, badge and creator permissions will be revoked (but that doesn't mean they can't try again later tho).
As for those who are already creators, they would be evaluated on the quality of their posts and how often they post. If a month and a half goes by and they don't post anything (unless they previously explain they will be busy/will be taking a break), they could run the risk of their creator permissions being revoked. Those who are cheap, shameless content farms filled with junk content will be severely punished by having their creator removed unless they decide to change their content for something that requires more effort put in.
With all that being said, I really hope GJ staff can do something about this, and without more to say, let's move on to the last section.
Option to enable/disable auto-like on posts and comments: This is for people who are tired of stop liking their own stuff manually every time they post something.
"Who can see your followed games?" option: Self-explanatory. Also, GJ staff can also add an option like this when adding a new playlist.
Repost feature + profile tab (Initially suggested by Kane on that same post): Gotta be honest, for this one couldn't manage to make a mock-up for it Dx, plus I think Kane's mockup is pretty cool, so I'm gonna show it:
Kane explained how this would work: Basically, it would work like the RT feature on twitter. We can share any content of interest to our profiles, making it easier for our followers to support the OP. It could save time when doing shout-outs or something like that.
Now, I'd like to contribute a few things to this idea:
So, every time someone we follow reposts anything, it will display in our activity feed, but when visiting their profile, there will be a separate tab that will include each repost they make:
Thus keeping clean each profile unlike twitter.
And finally, we could also have quote reposts.
Comments history on dashboard: Pretty useful to manage all our comments in a much easier way.
"Blacklist keywords" option: Possibly a highly requested feature within this website, yet a controversial, counterproductive one (I'll explain why in a few moments). But yeah, people will be able to blacklist some words that any other user could use against them (slurs, death threats, etc).
These words were obviously censored and only shown for testing purposes, so please don't cancel me for this Dx
A con of this could be that immature people can input keywords that aren't even offensive (except to themselves). This could be prevented by having a database linked to a dictionary with various offensive words. GJ will not allow any keyword that's not within those databases.
As for people whose comments have any of these blacklisted keywords, instead of being automatically deleted, it will simply not be sent, which could give a chance to those users to change some words within that comment, especially for those who didn't mean to offend. Blacklisted words could be highlighted in red if possible, thus making editing easier.
Bring back firesides: Gotta be honest, never used firesides in my whole life, I only entered some of them yet I didn't do much. Many people WANTS them BACK tho.
They were a nice feature to just talk and hang out, you guys probably have your reasons behind removing them, but people are clamoring for their return, idk, maybe with some tweaks.
Also, who knows but if this feature is back, I could start doing firesides.
Search engine filters: This would make searching for a keyword much easier. Filter posts/mentions of a specific user, in a specific time period, either with or without media, if they have featured, or even if those keywords are case sensitive. All this filter system could be based on the discord one.
Some changes to DM filters:
"Chats" filter would only display friends you've already talked to.
Bring back the "online users" filter.
Here's a small mock-up of how it would look:
"Other options" section in chat settings: We could remotely remove and block users without heading to their profiles. We could also delete chat history.
Some ideas for groupchat options (owners only):
Make room owner: This would transfer group property to another user.
"Delete group" option: An alternative option to just leaving the group.
Improve algorithm for games/posts (suggested by @KUNOLEO
in the comments section too): This could prevent several interesting content to unfairly stay off the radar and making it more difficult for them to grow.
Invest in more internal web servers to prevent future constant website downs (if possible).
Phew... And that's basically all my suggestions, thanks to those who stayed reading this far. And again, I hope GJ staff likes these ideas and they decide to add them soon, would be a nice christmas/new year's present XD
See ya!
Also, belated merry christmas and happy new year y'all!