Five Nights at Sonic’s: Discord Mode Collection

1 year ago

If you guys are wondering I do plan to do discord mode editions of all five fnas games & also fnas 1: discord mode edition progress is that the title screen night screen and office lights are done

And also this game is a fnas 1 RECODING with some improvements and with some different versions of the characters (aka the discord mode versions)

In the meantime here is Sonic’s design for fnas 1: discord mode edition!

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Next up

fnas 1 dm fact 2: the reason sonic yoshi and tails' eyelids and eyelashes are blue green and yellow is because they wear makeup

we be cooking!

(title screen is pretty much done)

hey look a clock!

GAME IS OUT NOW!!!! (Please read below)

molly but with lipstick on

The Rat Cave is Cancelled


doors be working

i kinda hope one day someone makes a revival of fnas 1R here


(For both PC and Android devices.)

so i found this edit i made a good while back of the fnas mario vector i use now-a-days but i had edited him to look like how mario does in fnas act 1