1 month ago

IG’s March of Robots 2024, Day 26: Wild.

It wasn’t a common occurrence, but there were robots that decided to abandon their design roles and go out into the wilds. As they helped support the local flora and fauna, they were left to their own devices.



Next up

One of (hopefully) four entries I’m planning on making for @/Polyducks Nokia 2024 collab, this mini-Metroid scene was too tempting to pass up once I’d thought of it!

Thank you all so much for helping me achieve this milestone!

I’m pleased that you like my pixel art and I hope you’ll continue the journey with me going forwards.

The third of four (?) entries I’m making for @/Polyduck’s 2024 Nokia Collab, I decided to go for a rogue-like for this one.

Behind the scenes, I did make everything out of 8x8 pixel tiles to give some extra cohesion to the style.

Thank you for 14k followers!

: Krita

As a conclusion to March of Robots 2024, I collected all the pieces I made into a single page. I couldn’t include story pieces, I’m afraid, but at least everything else is in one place.

(Swipe to the right to see the original image!)

: Aseprite

The second of four entries I’m making for @/Polyduck’s 2024 Nokia Collab, this iso survival horror game was almost inevitable.

I was surprised that isometric would work so well on a 96x65 pixel canvas, but pleased at the same time.

IG’s March of Robots 2024, Day 30: Plant

Destroying all plant life in a given area and equipping ‘liquid trees’ to robots with advanced virus protections looked promising but the population quickly realised their world was doomed.

Julio! Yep! It's Julio the pigeon! Hey, don't be like that, say hello to Julio, he's still shy around here!

Low poly model of a pigeon, isn't it cute?

I’ve completed my latest 1-bit survival horror piece and given it more of a game-style HUD for some added effect. 🙂

This is a project I started back in 10/2023 and, while it took far longer than I intended, I’m really pleased with how it turned out. ☺️