(WIP) Things That Lurk in the Dark
3 years ago

It's been a minute, so let's talk about it. Article below has the last few months in a nutshell.

It's been a while since we've made any posts on the game page. The last 10 months haven't completely been worthless however. The months since covid started have been a blur for us as we live day by day, so sorry for any confusing timelines, we can't remember what day or month it is today, let alone how long ago something was.

About 10 months ago we made our final post then fell off the face of the Earth on Gamejolt. Between Aaron's pc and internet problems, and the struggle to find the drive to work, development hit a stand still. We made immense progress on the forest map, basically remaking it from scratch over night, with the following days as a minor details wrap up. There's still work to be done to it, even now, but it's much closer than the original map will be. We also fixed several bugs and issues we found through the months that just persisted through everything. The footsteps were thought to be unfix-able until we finally reverse engineered our mistakes, fixed animations and lighting in the maps, and even got the graphics menu working 90%. All of this was just a couple months after we vanished. We even developed a rudimentary AI pathing system for the antagonist.

The problem quickly went from "We don't want to work," to "We don't have enough to post an update." This lead to a month of progress never to be posted because we believed it wasn't good enough for you guys. That soon reflected back onto us where we believed we weren't making any progress, despite working nearly 40 hour weeks on the game creating decent headway and learning more than we though we could. We began to lose faith in our abilities once again and lost the drive to move forward. What ended up breaking our motivation was Aaron's internet and pc crashes that occurred every time we tried to work. We would open the game, do two things, and it would all crash, and wouldn't return for at least 24 hours, sometimes 48 hours. Any progress we tried to make would be lost every time, without fail. Even today, we're unable to make any progress on the game without Aaron's pc crashing, or completely freezing up. While the internet problem is solved, the pc isn't.

Bringing us forward to the last few months. Both Aaron and Drew got jobs to try and earn money for their own desires. Aaron works full time and is moving his eyes onto a new pc so Unreal Engine 5 can melt it, and they're both looking towards music as an outlet for easy fun and creativity. We hope to be working on the game again before 2022, but only time can tell when we will be working once again.

We have the latest copy of the Alpha being packaged now for those of you who still wish to play, have the ability to see our modern game in a better condition. We didn't realize until this last week that Alpha V0.1.1 is so old, that there isn't one single piece in the demo that hasn't been revamped, or reworked from the grown up. We'll make a post when Alpha V0.2.0 is released, but we hope to have it released for Windows 64/32bit within a week.

For those who want to see how we try to keep organized and find out how we decide what to work on, we'll release our Trello page soon. There's still final roundups to do on it, but once we're ready to release it, we will also make a post.

For those of you who have waited for a new post, we thank you. We feel bad for leaving everyone in the dark, and there's nothing we can do to try and fix that, but one day we will release this game, and when we do, we want it to be the best it can be with the skills and resources we currently have. To those of you who read this far, we will be doing a second post on the same day as this one discussing Phase 1 of development. See you guys soon!

Thank you for sticking through -Biotale Interactive Devs



Next up

Devlog 8 - AI Advancement and Map Progression

#rpg #dungeoncrawl #dungeoncrawler #action #adventure

The factory building has gotten an update!

Contacting our internet provider today, but we're still working! We are working on character, story, and map design even without the capability of UE4. We are using Minecraft since it has a nearly perfect unit conversion rate. Stay tuned for more updates!

Devlog 4.5

Here's a couple of models we've produced over the week! What are your thoughts?

#rpg #adventure #action #dungeoncrawler #fantasy

Devlog 7 - Models and Level Building

How do you guys like the level/scene design so far?

#rpg #dungeoncrawl #dungeoncrawler #action #adventure

*Note that these pictures are not the final product and currently in heavy development. Changes may occur.* Read the article below to hear what we have worked on, what's to come, more! -Aaron

Alpha Update #003

Below is the full article!

*If you are having trouble with the tunnel in the Alpha Demo, be sure to read!*


i may or may not make an full art of some person or i may just leave this like that-