the idea that your perfect the way you are is straight up not true!
there is always gonna be something you can improve about yourself, and actually trying to be a better person already makes you better then the vast majority of human kind 🥔
the idea that your perfect the way you are is straight up not true!
there is always gonna be something you can improve about yourself, and actually trying to be a better person already makes you better then the vast majority of human kind 🥔
part of the final attack 🥔
apparently people are saying that official dusttrust got canceled... (again)
is that true ? and if so, where is the official announcement 🥔 ?
and by official dusttrust are they talking about @DillyWolf 's dusttrust or @ImAri 's ?
2025 about to be epic 🔥🥔🔥
definitely not gonna regret saying that 🥔
oh and sp!dusttale is finished, now am trying to upload it witch will probably take 3 to 4 days 🥔
cz again, my internet is shit
soooo patience!
.... ... .
every Christmas i feel more and more like the grinch, a bunch of people message me saying merry Christmas, and thats nice and all
but having to explain how i dont celebrate Christmas to 15 different people every flipping year is starting to get annoying 🥔
i took a nap.
an actual nap, can you believe it ?
life has never felt so vivid 🥔
i don't even have to drink coffee to stay up anymore 🥔🥔🥔
just released the game.
and enjoy 🥔👍
this is kinda random and completely uncalled for but if you like this art then go follow @hollowsprites (the guy who made it)
bro is underrated as fuck
+he is 3 followers away from 200 🥔