
4 months ago

Kat (Sonic Riders Style)

Kat in the style of Sonic Riders! I didn't want to push her to look like a Sonic character, rather I took Rider's stylistic philosophies and applied them to my own style. This new outfit was also really fun to design.



Next up

The Dobukai Playlist (Check the article if you're curious!)

Kat custom character for Party Project!

I heard it was bunny day, so have an Ester!

You know Sonic the hedgehog? 😀

#sonicthehedgehog #sega #sonic #sonicfanart

Sonic Heroes Movie Version!

Super Mario Bros. Wonder, Bubble Flower!

Ester custom character for Party Project!

It's December! Almost Winter Season and decorating your friends like a Christmas tree!

Thank you, Mr. Martinet! The hat is off to you!