5 months ago

#LinaBunnyEasterContest2024 Winners!

Winner of Place 1 is @KivBunny
Winner of Place 2 is @MichaelMayonnaise

Thank you Both for Joining my Contest ^^ it made me every happy
(even so the Contest was technically Canceled..)

Thank you @KatimuX for helping me chose ones again ^^

this didn't fit up there anymore qwp

Kiv Drawings & Sketch

Michael's Drawing

The Voting

The Contest

#LinaBunny #LinaBunnyEasterContest2024 #EasterContest2024 #Contest2024


Sorry in case this doesn't belong into a specific community or channel, it's a bit hard to tell where I can post this for me



Next up

I wonder how many post I'm gonna see ones GameJolts works again about GameJolt not working XD

Last time I cheek when this post (Picture above) is meant to go up in 4 hours. It now went up 11 hours...

I can't wait for GJ to load. It's gonna explode XD

#Freshpril day14 theme #Group as #FreshSans is hanging out with #CrossSans & #EpicSans making the #MemeTimeTrio I believe ^^

Three Bros Chillin' In A Pond, no feet apart because they all gay lul

Gore maybe? definitely could make people uncomfortable

Just in case I don't get it done in time for the #ArtWeeklies ^^" but even if not I would like to send it in none the less even if it late

I just need to texture it a lot which takes time ^^"

I drew Shantae the Half-Genie!


A drawing I drew for a School Friend of mine for ArtWeeklies

this is the behined the sceen I guess lul

Biting into Flesh / Eating Feral

A drawing I been meaning to draw & chose a little monster character I made in the past (Redesign a little) as I felt they fit the theme perfectly.

The little fella doesn't have a name yet btw

#Monster #Horror #Gore #Biting

A character from @Mister_S_Gabriel that I drew in my hiper simple style before realizing what makes the style the way the style is.

The most difficult part of this where the eyes I believe since they don't obay the style rules at all

Hi all! I just joined, I’ll be glad to see everyone.

Oh! sorry I only noticed now

Well since I just uploaded two big things

1 What should I work on next from my ArtList?

2 What do you think of my updated about me? (not the Pinned post)