So, first devlog of the new year! And the first thing in this devlog is...
Customized Menus!
Well... Kinda. I changed the border to be gray, icon for continuing text to a small VISIONARY'S EYE and the background color is now a blue to gray gradient!
(Oh yeah, I also added a little animated cursor that appears when hovering options!)
Know what's funny? The blue and gray colors you see throughout all of the stuff are the exact same colors.
Gray Hex Code: 847e87
Blue Hex Code: 31556d
(Am I taking this VISIONARY'S EYE thing too far? I think it helps make the game more themed and recognizable but I'd like to get your thoughts. then again it is important to the story soooo...)
Riverwood is the first town in Lucid and while not having much, the things that ARE there have a lot of detail put in.
Here's some screenshots of Riverwood!
New title screen!
Yep, no longer will we flash-banged by the white!
man i gotta move the title options somehow...
hey @LUKELCS , sorry to bother how'd you have the title options for GUIDANCE on the bottom? is it a plugin or....
wait a minute...
lets see...
all three are rpg maker games
All three are INDIE games
all three have the name of the game
all three have a symbol or person (The ANGEL, THE VISIONARYS EYE, OMORI...)
all three are peak fiction...
the names of all three are one word
all three of the soundtracks are peak...
(whoops got off track there heh.)
Oh yeah, enemies now have health bars! and the damage font is now customized!
As you probably noticed, there's been more technical and visual changes within these past couple days.
Is going on right now!
Steam Page... coming soon!
But in all seriousness, maybe by the end of THIS MONTH. But I'm not sure plus I'm scared of...
...the rejection from almighty savoir of PC gaming Gabe Newell.
and who knew I'd need to read a collage thesis to put a game on Steam?
Oh yeah, one last thing!
All Fungal Forest Maps are DONE.
I just need to create the dungeon.
See Ya Soon!