Lina's AppleTree Babies
2 months ago

Making the last two missing days/posts went easyer and faster then I was thinking!!

I'm thinking of making a Post about my trees every start of the week.

also I believe I made pictures today (09.07.2024) but I gotta cheek my phone ^^"

Thanks to me and @MichaelMayonnaise doing a bit of math, and me forgetting that the days started at 0 + us not being sure from when to count from, I was able to add the last two days to the Day's list

I'm going to post the DaysList ones the new scedule is in



Next up

A simple phone background I made of my Fursona LinaBunny and @michaelmayonnaise character. This drawing is what lead to LinaBunnys redesign btw

I made the phone background for Michael since he really really wanted one from me

Faline Drawing I made on the 13.06.2024 while driving home in the train

I'm finally getting to post it now ^^" after all I kind of promised it to ya. Guess it's a bit late to draw Stumpson now ^^" oh well one day they all get drawn anyway I'm sure ^^


A drawing I drew for a School Friend of mine for ArtWeeklies

this is the behined the sceen I guess lul

@ColesyGaming is a Jolter to Watch! They post great gaming videos! Follow them before the quest ends on September 24 and you'll get Coins!


Thanks to the other pictures I'm able to remember this day pretty good. even if less about the plants though ^^"

We/I was on DorfFest or SommerFest [VillageFestival SummerParty] and it was a lot of fun ^^

⇣⇣⇣[More in Article]⇣⇣⇣

This is just a screencap from the material view, so it'll look quite a bit different later (especially after I crunch it down a ton in file size).


Hey so on the day I'm writing this it's the 04.09.2024 and I don't have pictures sadly so instead I will talk a bit about it.

so Tree13, Tree14 & probably Tree15 did not make it. I took the head body of 13 in today to dry it with the leaf


I just deleted so many pictures of Tree's from my phone like I think about 386? something like that Idk I just remember 8,3 & 3diget Number so I 100 number

Well whatever here are the pictures I just randomly made for you ^^

As promised, here's the video of the kingsnake! It was displeased by my existence. It even shook its tail a tiny bit... You ain't no rattlesnake!

Oh, and I also put a little warning in the beginning for any who have a fear of snakes, as requested.

Hellow Gardeners and Plan Lovers

I got a question/Idea from @MichaelMayonnaise that I want to ask you.

But before that I want to let you know there are a few things I been planning for the community.

More info in Article