Dead Drift

1 year ago


This is a simple tutorial about creating a custom bar using the native Progress Bar from Construct 3!

If you're interested in this kind of stuff, hop on and click on Read Article below! :)

#indiedev #gamedev

First and foremost -- although this is a Construct 3 tutorial, similar procedures will likely work on any engine or framework. The principles are the same!

So! Let's get to it, none of us have all day!

Part 1: Creating a Standard Progress Bar

Construct 3 has many native types of objects you can use. One of them is the Progress Bar, which you can use for basic bars.


However, there are limits to what you can do with this bar, and for games, you usually wanna do some fancy, pretty stuff that this basic component won't allow you to do.

So HERE's where we come in! We will use this progress bar in our tutorial; however, we'll use it HIDDEN from the public's eye. Because we're sneaky like that.

For this tutorial, I'm creating a new, blank project and adding a basic Progress Bar, like this:


Right-click on any Layout, then click on Insert Object and select Progress Bar.

Now we have a Progress Bar in our Layout. This native Progress Bar has a bunch of built-in actions and properties we can use -- and that's why our custom one will use it "under the hood."

But enough of this boring ass bar. Let's make a custom one.

Part 2: Creating a Bar Sprite

Here's where the trickery starts. Our bar is actually going to be a Sprite. A regular sprite.

We'll start by creating one:


When drawing this sprite, each frame will represent one "state" of this bar. If we want, for instance, a bar that is segmented into 6 parts or slices, we'll draw the sprite with 7 frames, one for each value that this bar can be in and one additional "empty bar" value.

Here's the simple bar I did in ASEprite for this tutorial:


Since these frames can be anything you want, you can even make fancy bars that have "fraction units", like Zelda's Heart Bar, which famously tracks hearts, half-hearts, and in some games, quarter-hearts.

(If you want to make bars like this, it won't matter to the Sprite, as it will work the same. However, bear in mind that if the sprite has frames representing less than a "unit", you'll have to consider this when updating the underlying native progress bar.)

The easiest way to import this bar sprite into Construct is like this:

First, you export this bar animation in "spritesheet format". ASEprite has a menu option for that:


Your beautiful bar animation should be spread out like this, with all its frames side by side:


Then, to import them, you only have to open the Sprite object you created on Construct, right click on the Animation Frames panel, then click on Import Frames > From Strip:


You select the spread out spritesheet, set the correct number of frames (in case Construct makes a mistake in counting the frame number, like in my case...):


And... voilá! You have a bar sprite, ready to go!

You can test it by using the Play button on Construct Sprite Editor, to see if everything is all right!


That's it, folks! That's Part 1 of this tutorial, it was getting too big so I had to break it into two parts!

Next time, we're gonna turn this sprite into a working bar, code, and all! See ya then!

Cheers :)



Next up

HELLO EVERYONE! How are you doing this Monday?

Are you folks excited for this week? What are you planning to do?

I'd love to hear it in the comments!!!

Sharing the pixel art I did for a personal project I never got to make. The player would control an enchanted chest that had to investigate the disappearance of its wizard master!

What do you think? Would this had looked cool?



I'm still working on the missions, and it's been harder than I anticipated. However, I was able to make missions work (even if the UI is a little janky)!

Click on Read Article for more info!

Highrise Game Jam Reminder: In order to enter to win the Jam, your game must be created in Unity and submitted using the Highrise Studio Hub.

Learn all the deets about the jam at


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Still not totally satisfied with all elements, but I guess it's already a nice improvement :)

#pixelart #gamedev #indiedev

🥳 The Highrise Game Jam is Underway! 🥳

Watch the video for tips on getting started building your first world in Highrise Studio. (Creating and submitting within Highrise Studio Hub is the only way to enter the jam!)

Learn more:

Everybody talking about the Super Mario movie and here I am thinking how cool it would be if they made a movie out of THIS game...

CONSTRUCT TUTORIAL TIME! I wanted to make a "mini-article" on how to make the distance-based zoom control mechanic I did for Dead Drift since it's so easy!

If you're interested, click on [Read Article] below!

#indiedev #gamedev

Happy #WIPWednesday!

Are you working on a game? A song? Something else? Tell us in the comments!


I have been working on this progression layer and things have been going well! Here's a video of me testing this system!

Click on Read Article for more info! :)

#gamedev #indiedev