20 days ago

Me when I look at Scott Cawthon's code



Next up

This game is going to contain Discord Rich Presence, so that your friends can see what you're doing in this game! The DRPC is also going to be very advanced, telling what challenge you're playing and what time you're at.

This was going to be a planned Limited Visibility challenge, where your vision would be limited to just a flashlight like in FNAC 3, but it was scrapped due to being more unfun than interesting. It was then replaced by Faulty Flashlight.

I have no idea how I beat this with Hard Mode lmao

Besides some slight RNG with Shadow Cat having bust patience timer this mode is fine ig (Video coming soon)


Literally a guide on how to hate the remastered port of mobile SL in one step

I was literally starting to rage at this part over and over again and even died one step away from giving the ice cream to Elizabeth

All in all, don't play this on mobile

Company Notice

Jolly's Fun Land more like Jolly's Nightmare Land

No idea if I'll go for Hard Mode

Getting closer and closer to finally killing the mouse

Hourglass death BTW

OH MY GAH! The Demo Version of Night at Nuggit's IS NOW AVAILABLE TO DOWNLOAD!!! Enjoy, and hopefully this gets you excited for the full release!


#fnaf #fangame #chiknnuggit

Finally did 6/15 on Dormant Insanity

Pretty fun mode, idk if I'll do AC