Hello. I wanted to write this devlog and break character real quick to just. apologize for the lack of updates or even really progress with the project
Everything I have in mind for this game has been set in stone, and everything I can do for it has been done by now, which means progress is almost entirely down to what the others have to pitch in. Which has been pretty difficult
Noodle has been extremely busy, as has Jammin to my knowledge, and while I have admittedly been rather impatient, since working on this project is basically a comfort for me, I can understand and respect fully that their lives come first and I hope that you all do as well
That might sound stupid and I know I don't really owe anyone anything since this project has at most like 20 people who are vaguely interested in it and barely any publicly revealed content to be invested in. But I want to be completely transparent about my thoughts and feelings and the infinite passion I have for this project
we Are Fully Committed to Molly's Madness whenever we have the chance to be (which in my case is all the time because I have no life but for the others it's not exactly the case) and I think that chance may be coming around relatively soon
I'm not sure when Devlog 3 will come, but I promise I WILL have something to report on when I write to you next