King Tau [King of the Mesions]
Power: Aerokinesis, Terrakinesis, Terra/Crysto Absorption
Species: Mesion
Weapons of Choice: Magic Staff
Group: The Mesion Kingdom
Role: King
Territory/City: The Mesion Kingdom
Bounty: 0 Bits [0 Credits/$0]
Baron Alkaios [CEO of the Baron Caravan Company]
Power: Aerokinesis, Terrakinesis, Terra/Crysto Absorption
Species: Mesion
Weapons of Choice: Magic Staff
Group: Baron Caravan Company
Role: CEO
Territory/City: N/A
Bounty: 0 Bits [0 Credits/$0]
Sheriff Kleon [Sheriff of Mesa]
Power: Aerokinesis, Terrakinesis, Terra/Crysto Absorption
Species: Mesion
Weapons of Choice: Magic Staff
Group: The Mesion Kingdom
Role: Sheriff
Territory/City: The Mesion Kingdom and The Colonies
Bounty: 0 Bits [0 Credits/$0]
The Map Key:
The White Places are Cities and Towns
The Gold Place is the Capital
The Beige Places are Mines
The Blue Places are Landmarks
Mesa Lore:
Mesa is a Desert Planet filled with dry deserts, prairies and some lakes and rivers. The natural inhabitants of Mesa are the Mesions, Golemmite like creatures who have Terrakinesis and Aerokinesis naturally [powers over the ground and wind].
Around 100 years ago, species from other planets began to colonize the planet due to it's heavily enriched minerals. King Tau, the king then and now, decided to let them create settlements but created a massive mountain range to split them off from his kingdom, The Kappa Mountains. He then carved a crevice in it, The Delta Gulch, so that travel was permitted. At first the towns began settling, then the mines came in, but then outlaws began showing up. King Tau saw this turning south and sent out his own personal delegate to deal with all of it. Sheriff Kleon racked up 37 Outlaw Kills in shootouts, leaving only 3 groups left. [The Hunters, The Raiders and the Sable Creek Syndicate]. Sheriff Kleon did such a god job at cleaning up the outlaws that Baron Alkaios began his Caravan Company to move into the colonies for easy transport. The current Outlaws are still wanted and with high bounties. This continues to this day.