4 days ago


After a month of keeping things a secret, I'm happy to announce the launch of 8 new stickers made by Prima and I!

Collect them while you can!!



Next up

- Monthly Report: May -

I found an interesting piece of tech that feels...far too out of place to be from here. I'm not sure where it came from, but it makes keeping track of statistics a breeze!

TOP SUPPORTERS: @White_The_Fox , @ShinyJevex , and @JBezos !

2024 Redesign - Unitas (OC)

LEMMIE TELL YA, HE WAS A PAIN TO REDESIGN. I had no clue what I was doing in 2022 and had to work hard to make something more coherent.

RP design has a gear halo, standard does not. STILL NOT POLISHED, but the gist is there.

Updated Non-Fandom Outfit

From the last post, I edited Volt's non-RP outfit. It was bothering me a bit, but the problem's solved! Complete with a cool glow. (Volt quite literally lights up a room!)

It's messy, but the official ref will be cleaned up ^^

Made a new pack of animated stickers for my shop! https://gamejolt.com/@KniteBlargh/shop

If you've been following my posts recently, I think you'll recognize a couple of these little friends.

: Blender and Krita

Angelology IX: The Seraphim

An Excerpt from "Heaven's Edge: A Comprehensive Guide" has been uploaded for your convenience. Featured on this page is an infamous case of an abnormal angel that has come in contact with humanity.

Little alien I saw in a dream.

Art Fight 2024 - Forest Banter [ANIMATED]

Kicking things off with a GIF! Took me a few days to whip up this game-inspired animation. Fun fact, I stitched two incorrect quotes together to form the dialogue!

Friendly Fire for: https://artfight.net/~Melloobee

Raziel's OFFICIAL 2024 Reference Sheet

Congrats to all who voted yes to my last poll, you won the bet! Enjoy your bragging rights

GJ crunched the quality again, but you can view the high quality ref on Art Fight:



#bubblyRee #StarfallRebellion

Adult Form - Hope (OC)

As I'm going down the list of character redesigns, I realized I never gave much thought into Hope's adult design. I adjusted some features and changed up their hair color with the goal of making them look more ethereal.