11 days ago


The second-ever set of stickers is here!

They'll be available until I cook up a new pack! The first set will be out of rotation.
(I can't keep up with a monthly schedule)
Have fun collecting 'em all!



Next up

No serious posts today

Here's fat Mash Burnedead as a baby to brighten up your day

A huge thank you to my Top Supporters for March!

@Mellobee , @White_The_Fox , and @ShinyJevex , special thanks to you three for the generous charge-giving!

Without your support, I wouldn't be able to keep the lights on in my lair- WAIT NO U DIDN'T HEAR THAT

The sequel to my previous post that would've been one post but I hadn't finished it at the time 💀

Serious art coming soon, I'm just recovering from something 🙏 I'll be back

The Witching Well

(Happy Halloween!)

Magpie (OC) - WIP

Spur of the moment drawing to test out some pens I downloaded from Medibang

Not sure if I'll finish it, but I'll post it here just to keep track of progress developing my second style.


original image

: Aseprite

April's Top Supporters!

Thank you to everyone who dropped a sticker on my posts last month, especially to my top three: @White_The_Fox , @ShinyJevex , and @JBezos !

I will let you in on a little secret:

Domina Blowelive Speedpaint

If there's one thing I learned about rendering this time around, it's that I should REALLY find a way to be more efficient. People can finish this stuff in like 6 hours! How can I do that???

i'll draw something else eventually, guys...

Sharing some Sticker WIPs...

The last update was...a month ago??? Why does time pass so quickly??

Everyone here is so patient with me I want to make sure this is worth it for everyone. Thanks for sticking around <3