But not to worry though, I'm back and I am with something brand new and exciting and everything!!!! It's yet another Teaser for #TRtoJJ's 5 and it not only has no logo of the Haxx Hustun Studios logo, but it also someone famiular that you'd all seen before for nearly like seven years by now today!!!! I don't want to give out the name and everything, but I can tell you guys an interesting story based around its very own parody character-ness among the timelines of both Napature and Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!!
Almost like 31 years ago, roughly around in June 9th, 1993, (which this was its #31stYearAnniversary and whatnot) this strange and interesting parody-like mascot was made from Haxx Hustun Studios and Napature Science to be as a Mall Keeper!!! But just a mall keeper, but also known as a Movie & Film Protector!!!!! We don't know much more about this guy here that made him, but we'd been told that he wasn't as nice towards his parody-like mascot that he'd created all by himself!!!!!!! It's a long story!!!!!
But that's everything that we have for today you guys!!! Anyways folks, thanks for all of your guy's love and supports!!!! I just only have like a few more Teaser Posters to create here for this future parody-like game!!! And only then, I'll be done with these teasers for this game here!!!! As for now, stay tuned for some more future updates and have a wonderful, relaxing, amazing, and safe summer!!!!! #LoveYouGuys!!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #PHofJoynessPMnumberEight!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!! #WelcomeToHaxxHustunStudios!!!!!! #NapatureLovesYouAll!!!!!! #ThisParodyEventNeverENDS!!!!!!!!!