5 months ago

Noot Noot

Software : Aseprite



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Vidlin # 3

Here comes the money.

I originally discovered star wars through some memes of a soldier falling off stairs a long time ago.

I never really watched star wars or played any game but if were to, then I'd play the lego star war games.

#HelloThere #StarWarsGame #StarWarsArt

Vidlin # 5

I'm currently having exams at the moment so the quality might be a little off.

Julio! Yep! It's Julio the pigeon! Hey, don't be like that, say hello to Julio, he's still shy around here!

Low poly model of a pigeon, isn't it cute?

I am studying overnight for my exam which is tomorrow. Made this quick art piece. Wish me luck!



i ran out of ideas so i was having fun instead and it was worth it

Monkey .D @KniteBlargh . A pirate known throughout the sea, holding a bounty over 141,000,000!


My most played video game is probably Super Mario on the Nintendo 64.



Though I don't own it, my favorite video game console has got to be the cube of justice! The GameCube.
