1 year ago


Chapter one of my new series lore of weirdo, an entry for @Dynocation 's writing contest.

			Chapter 1: The leaf pile.

Weirdo was bored that day. Now, most kids were bored, but Weirdo was

so excruciatingly bored that he wanted to do literally anything than

  • Do chores

  • Do homework

  • Do anything else boring.

    So Weirdo told his mom. There is only one rule when it comes to this topic, and that is to NEVER tell them you're bored.

    Unfortunately, our hero made that exact mistake. He had to face the consequences.


So weirdo was forced to rake the leaves in his backyard. It took an eternity but he finally finished the leaf pile. Trying not to be tempted to jump into it, he tried to think of ways to dispose of the leaves.

Soon, inspiration clonked him on the head like an elephant whacking him with a Louisville Slugger. He just needed a vacuum cleaner and a cartoonishly large catapult.


So he provided the two things and made them into a...



There were many malfunctions in this machine, though this chapter would be too long if I listed them all. All you need to know is that it was a sorry looking sight, and Weirdo almost doubted if it would work. Still, it was worth a try. It was supposed to suck up the leaves with the vacuum and catapult them into somewhere that wasn't Weirdo's backyard.

So he switched said vacuum on. That was when said trouble would begin... Unless I didn't say trouble. Did I mention that there would be trouble in the next chapter?!

That was a joke, if it wasn't obvious.

(Part 2 is coming soon guys, I promise)

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Next up

Chat sneak peak of this animatic battle clone original show I'm making

Ghosty wosty!



Just a drawing of converses with some kind of shooting star behind (Just drew that because A- Converses are cool and I wanted to learn to draw them and B- I wanted to do an illustration with very bright colors)

Dragging tails

Random sketch (I plan on finishing it one day… maybe… or maybe it will stay on the WIP pile for month…)

My favourite scene in all of bfdia

It's spooky month

Banner for my show

(Doing more with my human ocs soon)