Cosmos Galactico
2 months ago

Noticias acerca del juego

news about the game

Esp: bueno actualmente he tenido un gran progreso en cuanto a programacion se trata, sin embargo hay veces en donde tengo que buscar ayuda para poder seguir programando ya sea porque no entiendo o lo estoy haciendo mal, lo cual retrasa el juego de ahi el porque tardo tanto, por suerte la mayoria del juego en general lo he conseguido hacer funcionar correctamente asi que pronto puede que lanze un alfa del juego.

Eng: Well, currently I have had great progress when it comes to programming, however there are times where I have to seek help to be able to continue programming either because I do not understand it or I am doing it wrong, which delays the game, hence why it took so long. Fortunately, I have managed to get most of the game working correctly in general, so I may release an alpha of the game soon.



Next up

@Dis_Pop My drawing for art competition

ya tenemos sistema de vidas

we already have a system of lives

tienda en construccion

store under construction

NEW TRAILER: Heat and Run launches into Early Access on Steam & Gamejolt on October 13, 2022.

🎯 4vs4 online shooter game.

✨ Heroes, abilities & block building.

❤️ Wishlist now:

#trailertuesday #earlyaccess #gamedev

Mas progreso en la tienda :)

More progress in the store :)

Boss battle on mobile device (prototype)

So far this is only a test, in the future it will be finalized.

@J4V759D3V Here is my drawing for the contest

Mi viejo fanart remaster

My old fanart remaster

The Gnome Gang has been tormenting the inhabitants of the Toscana since the world went into the eternal night. They are chaotic, annoying and mildly dangerous. Probably a tiny bit more of a threat now that they have learned how to make bombs.

Enemigos de Cosmo Galactico

Enemies of Cosmos Galactic