After about 3 years of the curse that is my existence on the internet as Crimsonsaber (tm) it's about time i make one 'a these
It is the grooviest pleasure to meet you all, im Crimson but you knew that already so just stare at the designated image above for about 30 seconds
I also made a TH page for my Creator Sona!

For any questions you may have about my Meet The Artist, just look down below
WHY is yer creator sona a spidersona
see it's cool symbolism because spiderman hides his face and i do too except im not a useful member of society and he is
Why are you using the Gay man flag? Isn't it bad
Glad that you did (Or didn't ask)! I use it because it's more specific than using the rainbow flag, as for it being bad: I shall redirect you to this post for more info about that! Click this link
What the heck is the flag with the telephone on it
This is the flag for Dialtown from the game: Dialtown (free demo now on steam go play it now) because phone people are very groovy

(This flag was obviously added as a joke but like it is a very nice flag)

Why did you write LGTV instead of lgbtq+

What do you mean with ''i think''
It's been a long while since i took one of em 16personalities tests
'Insert fandom' is bad, why do you like it?
I am aware that many communites/properties have bad parts/sides to them! But that doesn't mean i like those parts
For example: I like Detroit: Become Human, but i am well aware that the idea wasn't very well done (Using androids to represent minorities) and that the writing isn't always very good, but i still love the good parts (Basically connor and hank, like every DBH fan)