2 days ago

Octo appreciation post part 2 because I remembered to do this after 4 months

oh yea I found some of octos old diary entries


huh so I guess this is gonna be a monthly thing…. Fool recommended I do this to ease into the new job but I don’t see the appeal, I’m not a diary type of person haven’t really got the time or skills of a good writer. Why the Fock am I even doing this no one’s gunna be readin this bollocks I can’t even spell correctly

i just wanto want to go home if im being completeily honest its ben Abit since I’ve seen ppl im familiar withe all i cee is freaks and beings I can’t even imagine the hueman human eye meeting the things I’ve seen, my brains still tryna get use to the hole “knowin every universe and such” and i fund it difficult to try and make it come out of my mind its safe to say i hate it here, i feel like anythangs gona trip me off the edge, speakin speaking of edges I’ve always wondered what would happen if i just fel off the island and let myself just fall across this seemingly endless void

yea brb im trying this >:)

nayway anyway fool sucks and i hate him

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Next up

Bakugo junpscare

i opened a canvas and forgot that I had a ref of bakugo help

if bakudeku pro shippers get to have that dearly toxic relationship then I get to have this ok lol

anyway chat they’re so in love omg/j

The world deserves more of my dumb crack ship between these two

stan bakugo and chi chi/j

headshot anim-ation attack 4 @Lawlzerz_ NOOB

plus very rough animation concept too cuz why not


i gave myself a 2 hour limit for this one and i think it turned out pretty decent :3


Chunky oki because I need to start drawing chubby characters more because unlike the ocs I make I am not a skinny silly creature that’s is oku

decided to go out of my comfort zone and draw something i dont usually draw :3

hope you like it!


New ocs I made during a mock exam because I finished early