10 months ago


HEY! You voted--I heard you.

Did you know my 17th birthday is coming up? No? Did you know... that it's my GOLDEN birthday? I turn the age of the date! June 17th, and I turn 17!

To celebrate my birthday in a fun and interactive way for Game Jolt and share my Golden Birthday with everyone, I'll be hosting an art raffle!

I know some people in the past have tried making contests for drawing their own OCs, but I believe that to be kind of... backwards? I want to give back to the community, cause I love you guys!

What is an art raffle?

Essentially, it's like any old raffle! You follow the steps to enter, and BAM! You're eligible to randomly be selected as the winner! In an ART raffle though, you do just this, and the prize is a digital drawing from yours truly!

I'm ready! How do I enter?

  1. Be following Catsacue on Game Jolt!

  2. Comment a fun fact about your character you want drawn, along with a reference!

  3. Repost the link of this post on your profile! (if you so wish to delete it to avoid filling your profile with unnecessary posts, just tag me in them to let me know, and once I reply that I've seen it, you're free to delete.)

All that's nice, but are there rules?

Yep! Just a few!

  • Do not make alternate accounts. I have ways of identifying and excluding these.

  • Have fun!

What about winners? Only one?

HELL NO. Just one is too slim of chances!

For this raffle, I'll be selecting THREE winners!

1st place receives a full-body drawing, fully rendered!

2nd place receives a half-body drawing, fully rendered!

3rd place receives a headshot drawing, fully rendered!

I have every creative right to draw what I wish with your character. I will not follow demands or requests.

What about a due date?

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. The raffle will last until I either reach 2,000 followers or July 18. I would end it on my birthday, but I'll be busy during that time.

Now, good luck! I love you all very much!



Next up

School boredom be hitting

sprites for game dev class 💕

Recent wip

Staying at my mom's place for the weekend, along with objectively the best girl Penny!

Drew Klaus playing with her for the occasion :3

I indulge in random doodles at work... WAY TOO MUCH

Axi and Steve


Uzi math doodle!


I heard you guys like rabbits

commission wip (they bought me a wesker skin in exchange 💕)